Events for Writers
News and events

Published authors, novice authors and writers, wannabe writers, and anyone else who is interested in the craft of writing, check this out. The Indiana Writers' Consortium is again sponsoring a writers' conference that provides a venue in which you are sure to find sessions of interest regardless of where you are on the writing spectrum. Click on the link below to reach the IWC website and click on the "Steel Pen Conference" button at
for the most current information.
JULY 2017
Camp NaNoWriMo is a virtual writing retreat, designed to help you reach an ambitious writing goal in one month. It's free to join and comes highly recommended by MHW Karen and Patty. To sign up or in, go to:
Calling all Literary Nerds! Think about attending Nerd Camp Indy . Check it out by clicking:
Indiana Writers' Consortium EAT AND EXCHANGE
This is the first in this this year's series of free Eat and Exchange events.
Reframing Experience in Poetry and Prose: Acts of Reclaiming and Resistance
Wednesday, July 26, 2017, 7 – 8:30 PM
Sip Coffeehouse and Artisanal Café, 2815 Jewett Avenue, Highland, IN
“Weaving Words: A Braided Essay Workshop,” which will be presented at the Steel Pen Creative Writers’ Conference, was born of a collaborative project in which three writers considered the following questions: How does perspective affect personal power and voice? How can reframing experience in writing serve as an act of resistance? How can it allow readers to see subjects through “new eyes”? Please join “Weaving Words” presenter and Highland Poet Laureate Janine Harrison for a discussion in which we define “reframing experience” and examine its applications in poetry and prose writing.
JUNE 2017
NARRATIVE'S Ninth Annual Poetry Contest runs from May 16th through July 16th. "In a continuing effort to encourage and support talented poets, we’re offering prizes and widespread publicity to all winners and finalists. Narrative is always looking for new voices, so all entries will be considered for publication in the magazine." $25 per poem entry fee. Further details:
Now throuth July 16